De Quervain Syndrome
Painful inflammation of the tendons on the thumb side of the wrist. These tendons travel in the first extensor compartment, where they pass through a tight tunnel.
What are the symptoms?
Pain and tenderness on the side of the wrist, which is aggravated by movement of the thumb. Downward deviation of the wrist, with the thumb held clasped in the palm, typically causes discomfort (Finkelstein’s test)
Why does it occur?
It is not always known, but it can be caused by activities which involve repeated movements. It is commoner in women and appears to have a higher incidence in those who are at the peri menopausal or child bearing age.
Non Surgical Treatment
Anti-Anti-inflammatory medication ( only id advised by doctor)
Streroid injection - may provide temporary relief - up tp 70% of cases
Surgical treatment
This is performed under local anaesthetic (awake), as a day case operation. A chevron incision is made over the site of maximal pain and the tight tunnel overlying the tendons is released (see pictures).
Risks of Treatment
Nerve injury
Skin colour alteration secondary to steroid
Complex regional pain syndrome
De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
Anaesthetic : Local Anaesthetic
Operative time : 20 minutes
Hospital Stay : Day Case
Time off work : 1 week
Recovery Time : 1-2 weeks
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